Facts about palm trees – study Spanish in Malaga at Academia CILE
Posted on 30 August, 2016 in Spanish courses in Spain

Academia CILE invites you not only learn Spanish in Malaga but to explore more! Discover interesting facts about palm trees that a commonly found in Spain.
Have you ever wondered where the palm trees come from? There are some interesting facts about these particular evergreen trees that are interesting to look at.
- Looking from the biological perspective, one needs to mention that the palm trees belong to the Palmea family (or Arecaceae).
- There exist more than 2500 species of palms. Probably the most important one is the date palm due to its uses and long history.
- Not always you can see a palm as a trees as they can grow in the form of shrubs, trees or even lianas.
- There exist two different types of palm trees leaves: palmate (grow in a bunch at the end of a stem) and pinnate (like feathers, growing all along either side of a stem)
- Palm trees can be considered as religious symbols, in a sense. Palms are mentioned lots of times in the Bible and the Quran. In Judaism, palms symbolise peace.
- There are many products that come from palm trees. Did you know that apart from coconuts there are many other things, such as dates, betel nuts and acai fruit, that come from palm trees. Also, palm oil is a great example of it.
- The best conditions palm trees have for growing can be found in USDA Zones 8-10.
- The tallest palm tree reaches up to 197 feet! This is the Quindio wax palm.
- The coco de mer palm tree has larger seeds than any other plant on Earth. These seeds can weight up to 66 pounds and be up to 20 inches!
- Palm trees history is almost as old as human history. Archaeologists assure that the date palm was commonly used in Mesopotamian civilisation both for food and other purposes.
- Romans converted palm to a symbol of triumph.
- Did you know anything about the existence of palm wine? Well, it does exist! Pal wine, or so-called “kallu”, is a common alcoholic beverage in Asia and Africa.
Thus, after classes let´s take a walk together with the students of Academia CILE in the palmeral de Málaga (palm trees boulevard) and discover even more about these evergreen trees!
#palmtrees #palmeras #LearnSpanishinMalaga #SpanischKurse