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Rooftopbars Málaga
6 September, 2019Read moreRooftopbars in Málaga On top of some Hotels and Hostels in Malaga you can find very popular bars and restaurants with amazing views across parts of the city, the port and the sea. Especially at nights or in the evenings you can find a special atmosphere there. Those rooftops are really trendy locations to watch the sunset. Many people enjoy
2Spanish Proverbs
2 August, 2019Read moreSpanish Proverbs Like every language Spanish has many proverbs. Here you have a small list with their literal translation and their correspondent English proverb. A caballo regalado no se le mires el diente. Literal Translation: Don’t look at the teeth of a gift horse. English Proverb: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. La excepción hace (o
Rio Chillar (Nerja) – River Walk
19 July, 2019Read moreRio Chillar (Nerja) – River Walk Rio Chillar is a 17km-long river in the parque natural de las Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara y Alhama close to Nerja (60 km in the east of Malaga). In this hike you will walk up a river until you will find small waterfalls and a spot to swim. Along the hike you will find
The differences between the Latinamerican Spanish and the Castilian Spanish
12 July, 2019Read moreThe differences between the Latinamerican Spanish and the Castilian Spanish Spanish is spoken in over 21 countries on 5 continents (North-America, South-America, Europe, Asia and Africa). This led to numerous variations within the language as Spanish developed a bit differently on each continent. Latinamerica is the largest continent on which Spanish is spoken and Spain of course is the country
The differences between the DELE and the SIELE
8 July, 2019Read moreThe differences between the DELE and the SIELE The DELE (Diplomas Español como Lengua Extranjera) and the SIELE (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la lengua Española) are both officially recognised Diplomas of the Spanish language. You can find out more about the DELE here. What is the SIELE? The SIELE was introduced in 2016 by the Instituto Cervantes, the University