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Cultural and music events in Malaga in autumn
8 November, 2019Read moreAre you wondering if something interesting is going on in Malaga and its region in autumn? Is there anything exciting that you can see or do? There are many music events and cultural projects that take place in November and December here. We are pretty sure that you will find something for yourself and you will enjoy it! No time
0The magic of Sevillanas
29 October, 2019Read moreSevillanas is a popular type of flamenco which is usually danced by people at local feriae and pilgrimages in Spain. During the April Fair in Seville, most citizens wear traditional costumes and dance in the main streets and squares, such as Plaza de España. The El Rocío pilgrimage is another occasion to see people dancing Sevillanas. Thousands of people, including
7 Reasons to study Spanish at Academia CILE
27 September, 2019Read moreAcademia CILE is a small Spanish language school in the city centre of Málaga, right next to the cathedral. We offer different types of Spanish courses (Standard, Intensive, Part-Time, DELE, Business Spanish etc.) for all ages, all nationalities and all levels. Find out more about our courses here. Reasons to study at our School 1. Class Size The maximum number
A weekend in Granada
20 September, 2019Read moreGranada, home to the Alhambra, is located 130 km in the northeast of Malaga. It is perfect for a week-end trip as there are a lot of things to see and to discover. Here is a small list: Things to see 1. The Alhambra & Generalife If you go to Granada, the Alhambra is a must-see. The Alhambra is an
Street Art in Málaga
18 September, 2019Read moreStreet Art in Malaga What is Street Art? Street art is visual art that is created in public places. These public spaces include buildings, streets, trains and walls e.g. the west side of the Berlin Wall was covered in street art. It can be done legally – with permission of the authorities – or illegally – without the permission of