The Smurfs in Spain! – learn Spanish in Malaga at Academia CILE

The Smurfs in Spain! – learn Spanish in Malaga at Academia CILE

“The Smurfs” is a very good known comic series. Have you ever heard about the Smurfs´ town? Did you know it is located here in Andalusia? Let´s talk more about it!


The Smurfs is a Belgian comic series of comic characters – blue humanoids who live in houses of the form of mushroom. The Smurfs (or Les Schtroumpfs as they are known by French denomination) was introduced to the public in 1958. Now there are more than one hundred Smurf characters. They all show up with a Phrygian cap.

Juzcar, in the meantime, is a small village located in the Valle del Genal in the Serrania de Ronda, Andalusia. It is is the first ´smurf town´ ever created since June 2011. In the past Júzcar was simply a weekend destination for people who loved rural activities, hiking, climbing and or simply calm relaxation.

The smurfs in Spain! - learn Spanish in Malaga at Academia CILE


The smurfs in Spain! - learn Spanish in Malaga at Academia CILE


It was transformed to such a ´smurf town´ by painting all the walls blue. It embraced all the buildings: houses, the Church, the Town Hall and even the cemetery. This was done on the purpose to have the premiere of the film “The Smurfs 3D” in the town.

After this premiere, the local people of Juzcar decided to keep everything in blue and to take advantage of the fame the Smurfs have uniqueness to attract tourists and generate a greater income among its inhabitants. From then, hence, the town is visited by a large number of tourists (around 250 per day) who come from all over the world to see how ´smurf town´ looks like.

Academia CILE is always ready to take its students to places that worth visiting. If you want to learn Spanish and explore the curiosities around Andalusia – Academia CILE is your chance!




The smurfs in Spain! - learn Spanish in Malaga at Academia CILE

One moment… but did you know that….?

A “Smurf” is translated in Spanish as “el Pitufo”. However, if you hear the word “pitufo” in Malaga, and you will probably hear it a lot, don´t think it is about the smurfs! “Pitufo” is how Malagueñans call a toast or a sandwich made from bread and some ingredients, normally including butter, tomatoes, jam, cheese and/or others!

The smurfs in Spain! - learn Spanish in Malaga at Academia CILE


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