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- VinodeMálaga #SpanischKurse
Famous museums in Málaga
19 March, 2020Read moreMálaga offers many museums that present the Spanish culture, history and art. Here we collected some of the most famous and interesting museums for you but be aware that there are lots of more museums to discover. The Picasso museum is of course one of the most famous museums in Málaga. Pablo Picasso was born in Málaga and therefore, the
0Pablo Picasso – interesting facts
17 March, 2020Read moreOne of the most famous painters was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga (Plaza de la Merced 36) – Pablo Picasso. He was the son of an art and drawing teacher. He himself was not only a painter, but also a graphic artist, sculptor and co-founder of Cubism.Picasso died on April 8, 1973 in Mougin and was buried at
Gibraltar – a British Overseas Territory
13 March, 2020Read moreGibraltar is a special city. Geographically, it is located in the south of Spain at the Mediterranean Sea. Politically, Gibraltar does not belong to Spain but to the United Kingdom. This is the reason why two different cultures and lifestyles meet. The people do not feel only Spanish or British, they feel “Gibraltarian”. They speak both languages, often even in
Vegetarians and Vegans in Malaga
5 March, 2020Read moreIn the past few years the lifestyle of many people has changed due to the new gained consciousness about our food, the food industry in general and how animals are treated. But there are also a lot of other reasons, why people try to eat less meat, being vegetarian or even vegan. They want to take care of their body
Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Spain
11 December, 2019Read moreThe pre-Christmas period is special as we are occupied with preparing everything. We try to plan where we will meet our families and friends, what presents we will give them and what we will serve. December is spent on decorating our houses and flats with various beautiful decorations. However, some of us decide to travel and spend Christmas abroad, for